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Digestive Issues Leading to Weight Gain

Problems with your digestion can lead to weight gain due to the inability of your digestive system to properly break down foods. Nutrients may be insufficiently absorbed, and your body may inefficiently process waste and toxins, leading to bloating and constipation.

Leaky Gut Syndrome - At the Root of All Digestive Problems?

A common cause of digestive problems is Leaky Gut Syndrome. It's becoming more and more well-known amongst traditional medical practitioners (including GPs and Specialists), and it's definitely a good idea to learn about it so you can then consult with a Naturopath to determine whether Leaky Gut affects you. 

Understanding Digestive Problems: A Key to Managing Your Digestive Health

Digestive problems, or gastrointestinal issues, often play a pivotal role in how our day unfolds. Issues stemming from our digestive system can quickly sour our daily experience. These problems can often be influenced by our dietary choices.

Read our Guide on Getting Rid of Weight Loss Aids: How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally and Permanently (and Without a Gym Membership)

Experts in Gastroenterology suggest that digestive issues can lead to various complications, including weight gain. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is crucial for overall wellbeing.

Woman Suffering from Stomach Pain. Digestive problems. Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Could Digestive Problems Be Behind Your Unexplained Weight Gain?

If you're suffering from unexplained weight gain, digestive problems may be the cause. Read on to find out some of the digestive issues that can cause weight gain, or book a consultation with one of our skilled Naturopaths.

Blue and white round plate with "weight gain" written on it. Digestive Problems - Brisbane Livewell Clinic

What are the Digestive Problems that can lead to weight gain?

1. Acid Reflux Disease

Known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), sufferers feel a burning sensation inside their stomach and lower chest. This burning sensation often feels like it's rising upwards in their chest.

GERD often prompts individuals to eat to alleviate discomfort. Yes, eating does reduce the burning sensation, but once you’re done eating, and the stomach starts digesting, the burning sensation relapses.

Learn more about GERD here

This vicious eating cycle can lead to overeating, causing bloating, nausea, and hiccups, and potentially contributing to weight gain.

2. Ulcers

Ulcers are sores that form along the lining of the stomach or small intestine. Ulcers are a result of excessive acid production, and similar to GERD, eating food may feel like it's improving the painful sensation in the lower stomach. However, frequent overeating as a response can result in bloating and weight gain.

3. Constipation

A common misconception is that constipation directly leads to weight gain. While not directly causative, frequent constipation can indicate a slower metabolism, which may affect weight.

4. Overgrown Bacteria

An imbalance in intestinal bacteria can disrupt digestion and bowel function. This imbalance can influence weight management and overall digestive health.

5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome occurs when the stomach goes through digestive issues like food sensitivities, diarrhea, and an imbalance in good and bad bacteria. A primary symptom is bloating, often exacerbated by constipation. Bloating may cause its sufferer to feel like they have put on weight.

6. Ulcerative Colitis

This condition typically results in decreased appetite and weight loss. However, treatments involving steroids can reverse these symptoms, leading to increased appetite and weight gain.

Woman laughing and sitting in front of sunflowers. Weight Gain and Digestive Problems - Brisbane Livewell Clinic


So if you have unexplained weight gain, make sure you book in with our Naturopaths using the buttons below. They can help you get to the root of the problem, and they or our Nutritionists can recommend the types of foods and diet that will help you reverse your weight gain and heal your digestive problems.


1. What is the connection between digestive problems and weight gain?

Digestive issues, like impaired metabolism, gastrointestinal disorders, or an imbalance in gut bacteria, can lead to weight changes, often manifesting as unexplained weight gain.

2. Can acid reflux or GERD cause weight gain?

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) can contribute to weight gain. The discomfort may lead to eating patterns that alleviate symptoms but result in increased calorie intake.

3. How does irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affect body weight?

IBS can impact weight. Fluctuations in bowel habits and bloating associated with IBS, especially in cases where constipation is predominant, can lead to temporary weight gain. Changes in eating habits as a result of IBS (eg eating more carbohydrates because they seem gentler on the stomach) can also result in weight gain.

4. Do ulcers influence weight changes?

Ulcers, particularly in the stomach or duodenum, can lead to temporary relief from pain when eating, which might cause overeating and subsequent weight gain.

5. Is there a link between bacterial overgrowth in the gut and weight gain?

There is a link between bacterial overgrowth in the gut and weight gain. An imbalance of gut flora, like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), can disrupt digestion and nutrient absorption, potentially leading to weight gain. This is one of the many reasons why gut health is so important.

6. Can treating constipation help with weight management?

Addressing constipation can aid in weight management by improving metabolic health and reducing bloating (though treatment of constipation doesn't directly result in weight loss).

7. How does ulcerative colitis treatment affect weight?

Treatment for ulcerative colitis, especially with steroids, can lead to increased appetite and potential weight gain, contrasting with the weight loss often seen in untreated cases.

8. Are digestive enzyme deficiencies linked to weight gain?

Deficiencies in digestive enzymes can lead to malabsorption and digestive discomfort, which may alter eating habits and contribute to weight gain.

9. Can a high-fiber diet help with weight management in digestive disorders?

A high-fiber diet can be beneficial for digestive health and weight management, aiding in regular bowel movements and potentially alleviating symptoms of digestive disorders.

10. Should I see a Doctor or a Naturopath for unexplained weight gain?

It is always better to consult your GP first if you have any unexplained weight gain. Once they have ruled out causes in the "traditional" medical realm, or diagnosed an issue, you can then consult with a Naturopath to help with healing the digestive problem and improving your gut health.

11. Should I consider DNA testing to find out the cause of my weight gain?

If you're seeking personalised insights into your weight management that go beyond general health advice, DNA testing can be a valuable tool. However, it's important to view it as a complement to, not a replacement for, traditional approaches like diet and exercise. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial before seeing your Naturopath for DNA Testing.

12. What are the steps involved in DNA testing for weight gain?

Typically, the process involves collecting a DNA sample (usually through a saliva swab), which is then analysed in a lab to identify genetic variations. The results can provide insights into how your genetics may affect your weight.

13. Is the Genetic Methylation Test complicated?

The Genetic Methylation Test itself is straightforward, involving a simple sample collection process. However, interpreting the results and understanding their implications for your health and diet can be complex, requiring professional guidance. Our skilled Naturopaths can help you with this.

14. Can DNA testing provide a definitive answer to weight gain issues?

While DNA testing can offer valuable insights into genetic factors that may influence weight, it's not a definitive solution. Weight gain is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. DNA testing should be part of a comprehensive approach to health and weight management.

15. Where can I get more information on the Genetic Methylation Test?

For detailed information on the Genetic Methylation Test and its relevance to weight management, visit Brisbane Livewell Clinic's page on Genetic Methylation Testing.

Last Updated on 10 June 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

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