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Acupuncture for Period Pain

Looking for effective period pain treatment? Evidence shows that acupuncture for period pain is helpful in relieving associated symptoms and pain. Get a period pain relief plan developed for you now!

Last Updated on 14 June 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Acupuncture Treatment for Period Pain

Painful periods are very common and can range from light to moderate pain, to severe period cramps, commonly known as dysmenorrhea. Acupuncture for period pain can help with alleviating pain symptoms.

Approximately 10% of females experience severe dysmenorrhea, which can be diagnosed by its associated symptoms including:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Severe menstrual cramps

Many young girls and women are unable to use pain killers to relieve their pain, and many prefer not to.

Evidence shows that acupuncture for period pain provides significant pain relief in people, whether or not they use pain killers like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), making acupuncture a sound choice for women, regardless of their choices around pain killer use. [1][2]

Whether you have the symptoms of severe dysmenorrhea or are at the other end of the spectrum, having to suffer period pain to any degree each month can diminish your quality of life. Interested in finding out more about our Acupuncture for Period Pain treatments? Get in touch with us now!

Can Acupuncture Help Treat Period Pain?

If there’s one thing that studies into acupuncture tell us, it’s that acupuncture works to ease certain types of chronic and period pain. Symptoms of dysmenorrhea are on the list! [1]

Although there’s no cure for period pain per-se, there’s certainly a good deal that may be done to help you. Acupuncture for period pain is a great starting point. This viable treatment option could make dealing with that time of the month that bit easier for you.

Symptoms associated with periods include:

  • Pain radiating down the inside of your thighs
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Irritability

These numerous symptoms are obviously not fun to deal with – especially on a monthly basis! It’s definitely a recurring problem we’d all love to avoid. However, our skilled acupuncturists can help address your symptoms and determine the best course of treatment during your consultation.

Your practitioner may use any or a combination of Acupuncture, Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dependent on your specific symptoms and general health.

acupuncture for period pain -painful periods and naturopathy

Effective Treatment for Period Pain

Acupuncture involves the use of very small needles being placed at points around your body to bring it into balance and treat your particular symptoms and pain.

Generally, you will have between five and 20 needles placed across points, and they are left there for the course of your treatment, with your practitioner turning them slightly at intervals.

A report that specifically studied how well Acupoint Pressure (Acupuncture and Acupressure) compared to using NSAIDs alone [1] concluded it’s an effective treatment for Period Pain with the following advantages:

  • Alleviated pain symptoms
  • Reduced Menstrual Flow (lighter Periods)
  • Fewer side effects than using pain killers such as NSAIDs

For the women in a range of studies analysed in 2018, the benefit of Acupuncture in decreasing Period Pain where no other treatments were administered was “significant”. [2]

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncture uses very small needles to stimulate certain acupuncture points, and some people are surprised that they don’t feel anything in a lot of areas!

However, some people can experience a little tenderness, especially in tight places. This feeling is similar to a massage therapist massaging an area with a knot in it that you didn’t know you had.

Most clients find they get used to the sensation rather quickly. After your initial period pain acupuncture treatment session, the mystery of how it will feel to you is solved!

acupuncture for period pain - Women’sHealthWeek It’sallaboutWomen’sWellness

What Happens in a Period Pain Acupuncture Treatment Session with Your Acupuncturist?

1. Get the Proper Diagnosis

On your first visit, our experienced acupuncturist starts with a relaxed yet thorough consultation so we can understand your unique concerns, and create a course of treatment that suits you best.

We use the internationally recognised MRS mini-survey, conversation and other assessment tools to understand what needs attention immediately, and in the mid to long-term when it comes to your particular period pain symptoms.

2. Find Relief with Our Acupuncture for Period Pain Treatments

From the very first visit, our gentle acupuncturist uses this soothing and healing therapy to help reduce the number and intensity of hot flushes, help with sleep and mood concerns, promote deep relaxation, and support the other therapies we provide.

3. Medicine Specifically Prepared For Your Condition

Herbs play a prominent role in healing. Herbs can be dispensed as an “off the shelf” formula or our practitioners can create a formula specifically designed for you. Our clinic has over 100 herbs to suit your specific needs. Our practitioners can modify your herbal formula as treatment progresses to ensure your medicine suits your current condition.

From time to time, we may prescribe particular nutrients and supplements, as well as herbal medicines to address your symptoms and provide more effective pain relief for your condition.

4. Walk Away With a Plan to Tackle Period Pain

Acupuncture is part of a holistic system of mind-body medicine, so our acupuncturist works with you to create an easy, simple plan to support you through every life stage.

As each woman is different, we understand the need for flexibility and common sense. For most women, your plan will have an emphasis on food, diet and nutrition; for others, it will be about emotional health and well-being, sleep and stress management.

Some women will need the help of our naturopaths to support their entire hormonal system, particularly if there is diabetes or pre-diabetes or thyroid problems.

For women struggling with aches and pains, massage, as well as acupuncture and exercise therapies, will be suggested. From your first visit, we’re here to help you get the most out of your life, no matter what stage you may be at.

Acupuncture is widely considered a safe therapy, but occasionally, as with all therapies – conventional and complementary – results may vary, and adverse reactions may be experienced.

For those that do experience adverse reactions to acupuncture, the most common are itchiness & soreness at the site of the needles, light-headedness, mild bruising and muscle twitching.

You’re encouraged to communicate with your practitioner – they are there for you. Contact us now to find out more about our acupuncture for period pain treatments or book your treatment today!


When in your cycle should you have acupuncture?

1 treatment every week for 8 weeks. Your practitioner may use any or a combination of Acupuncture, Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dependent on your specific symptoms and general health. Your practitioner will discuss your personal situation with you during your first consultation and continue communicating with you about your improvements as your sessions progress. 

How do you relieve menstrual pain with acupressure?

Applying acupressure reports that specifically studied how well Acupoint Pressure (Acupuncture and Acupressure) compared to using NSAIDs alone [1] concluded it’s an effective treatment for Period Pain with the following advantages – Alleviated pain symptoms, Reduced Menstrual Flow (lighter Periods) and Fewer side effects than using pain killers such as NSAIDs 

Does acupuncture work for heavy periods?

If there’s one thing studies into Acupuncture tell us, it’s that Acupuncture works to ease certain types of pain; symptoms of Dysmenorrhea, Reduced Menstrual Flow (lighter Periods) are on the list. Although there’s no cure for Period Pain per se, there’s certainly a good deal that may be done to help you.  


[1] Xu. Y et al 2017, ‘Effects of acupoint-stimulation for the treatment of primary Dysmenorrhea compared with NSAIDs: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 RCTs’, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17(436). doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-1924-8.

[2] Woo, H. L., et al 2018, ‘Systematic review and analysis: The efficacy and safety of Acupuncture in women with primary Dysmenorrhea’, Medicine, 97(23), doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000011007

Our Pricing

Acupuncture - Initial 75 minute consultation

Acupuncture - Initial 75 minute consultation


Acupuncture - Extended Subsequent 60 minute consultation

Acupuncture - Extended Subsequent 60 minute consultation



Meet Our Qualified Professionals

Kylie Skillen

Kylie Skillen

Wavell Heights

Kylie’s complementary medicine journey started 25 years ago culminating in a Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture). Kylie is a Workcover Qld provider. Her special interests include Acupuncture for Fertility (pre-conception, IVF/IUI support); Injury, Menopause and...

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
