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Foods to Eat to Calm Raging Hormones

Last Updated on 4 January 2021 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

That “Raging Hormones” time of the month is usually accompanied by mood swings, depression and severe cramps. Most women reach out for a tub of ice cream or bag of chips for comfort. However, it is imperative to eat healthy during your menstruation to replenish the lost nutrients, optimize energy and calm down your mood swings. Here’s a list of healthy foods to be eaten when Aunt Flo visits to combat those Raging Hormones:

These are the foods to Calm those raging Hormones.

Water: Who wouldn’t think of that, right? But many women grab a cup of coffee or can of Cola to tame their hormones when these high caffeine drinks actually increase muscle cramps. The next time you feel the urge of gulping down some liquid during your cycle, make sure its H2O.

Leafy Greens: Green vegetables are a rich source of iron-rich nutrients that your body craves for during the menstrual cycle. Have a bowl of salad with lunch or dinner to fulfil the daily requirement. Be careful not to eat too much, as some green vegetables can cause bloating.

Fish: Fish rich in Omega 3s and other fatty acids, like salmon and tuna, are very effective for relaxing the muscles, helping reduce the severity of cramps.

Bananas: One of the richest sources of potassium, bananas are also packed with B6 and other vitamins that not only help boost the mood but regulate the bowel, which is good for women who experience diarrhea with menstruation.

Legumes: Beans, another rich source of iron, are also a great way to restore the body’s balance. But like leafy green, even beans can cause bloating so they should be eaten in moderation.

Red Meat: Yet another iron-rich food? Oh yes! That’s because menstruation is the time when your body needs to replenish and restore its iron level most.

Chocolate: This is a favourite on the list! Although chocolate contains caffeine and sugar, it is also a rich magnesium source, a nutrient that drains out of your body during that time. Just remember, the darker, the better.

Nuts: These little wonders are packed with many nutrients that your body needs. Just make sure you don’t get the salted or candied ones.

Fruits: Since sugar can’t be entirely avoided during menstruation, go natural. Fill your cart with watermelon, plums, berries and figs the next time you go grocery shopping.

Whole Grains: Whole grains are, well, whole! They aren’t bleached, blanched, and drained of their nutrients, so they help you feel fuller, for longer.

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