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Gastric Band Hypnosis for Satiety Training

Gastric Band Hypnosis is an innovative approach for weight management and for people considering weight loss surgery. It uses the power of hypnotherapy to mimic the effects of a physical gastric band. This method - gastric band hypnotherapy - trains the mind and body to feel full and satisfied with less food, and it fosters a healthier relationship with eating and in relation to the patient's diet without the need for invasive surgery.

Understanding Gastric Band Hypnosis

  • Concept - It's a psychological technique that simulates the physical effects of a gastric band (a surgical procedure that reduces stomach size). Unlike gastric lap band surgery, gastric band hypnotherapy does not involve a physical operation.
  • Mechanism - Through hypnosis, individuals are guided to believe their stomach is smaller than it is, leading to them feeling full earlier into a meal (and therefore reducing portion size daily and over time helping them to lose weight). Patients are also encouraged to explore the emotional reasons they overeat, and whether they feel deprived if they eat smaller portion sizes in their diet.
  • Benefits - This form of hypnotherapy is non-invasive (which is the most important thing), and there are no physical risks associated with surgery. Gastric band hypnosis can bring lasting positive changes to eating habits and the patient's diet.

Learn about Hypnotherapy more generally

What does the virtual gastric band program involve?

The gastric band by hypnosis works by training the body of patients who consider they have a weight problem or negative eating habits to feel full while eating less. The treatment includes a virtual surgery where you are fitted with your gastric band or lap band (in hypnosis) by your experienced Hypnotherapist.

How A Hypnotic Gastric Band Helps With Weight Loss

A gastric band can help you lose weight.

Add in a hypnotic gastric band, and there's an exciting opportunity for you to reduce your weight without undergoing surgery.

Many find that they are uncomfortable with overeating and binge eating. Hypnotherapy helps you feel satisfied from smaller portions and achieve weight loss quicker. Rather than promoting food restriction, it encourages the belief and understanding that healthy lifestyle choices can be more enjoyable in the long run.

In hypnosis, suggestions are provided by your Hypnotherapist that encourage physical and mental rewards from healthy food choices and exercise.

Man Handing a Woman a Water Bottle After Exercising representing Gastric Band Hypnosis at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

The history of Virtual Gastric Band Therapy

In Australia, Virtual Gastric Band Therapy has seen a notable increase in popularity over recent years.

This innovative approach, which originated in the UK, was introduced in Australia around the early 2010s. Australian practitioners quickly recognised its potential as a non-invasive alternative to traditional weight loss methods. It aligns well with Australia's growing focus on holistic and mental health approaches to weight management. The procedure remains popular in the UK and other countries around the world.

The therapy gained traction due to its success stories and the advantage of being a safer, more affordable option compared to surgical procedures.

Australian hypnotherapists like Jeremy Walker from Brisbane Livewell Clinic have adapted and refined these techniques, contributing to its evolution.

Today, it's considered a significant part of the weight management industry in Australia, embraced by both health professionals and individuals seeking a psychological approach to weight loss.

Why choose a virtual gastric band over the actual surgery?

The cost is one major appeal. The hypnosis option is 10x less than lap band surgery. A physical operation has risk of infection, recovery time and complications whereas hypnosis negates these downsides.

Another feature is weight loss, and the mindset tools you learn from your Hypnotherapist can be used for the rest of your life.

A Man Lifting Weights. Gastric Band Hypnosis at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy For Natural Weight Loss

Woman lying on couch with Hypnotherapist sitting nearby. Gastric Band Hypnosis. Brisbane Livewell Clinic

What People are saying about Virtual Gastric Banding

“Prior to starting on the Virtual Gastric Band process I felt uncomfortable with my weight and ability to move. After the consultation process, and having lost weight in a short space of time (11.1kg in under 5 weeks), I feel happier, healthier and more relaxed. I am making better choices with the food I eat. I’m feeling so much better.” Neal

“I have had great success with the clinic. It has been 5 years and my weight loss has stayed off. I would recommend this for anyone who has had trouble shifting those unwanted kilos.” Julie B

Debbie visited the clinic recently. She was eating sugar due to stress and boredom. Instead of saying “sugar is bad” I asked what she had wanted to feel, when the cravings hit. She desired pleasure and something to do but sugar made her feel worse. We placed focus on finding satisfaction through healthy alternatives. Often simple solutions make a big difference.

vegetable salad. Gastric Band Hypnosis at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind, like meditation. Your subconscious mind controls your automatic functions and habits. By entering into that deep state of relaxation, with the help of your therapist, you are able to examine with more certainty why you have been dieting, what life choices you've made that have led you to this place, and the signals your brain is giving you when you decide to overeat.

The result from your consultations is that your brain understands you can make more healthy choices, without having to battle with willpower. Because of these healthy choices, your body naturally ends up losing weight.

Person Holding Clear Light Bulb. Gastric Band Hypnotherapy. Surgery Alternatives

How does Virtual Gastric Banding work?

  1. Initial Consultation - Meeting with a qualified Hypnotherapist to discuss your goals, medical history, and suitability for the procedure.
  2. Hypnotherapy Session(s) - Each session (there are often between 2 and 4), involves relaxation and suggestion techniques. The Hypnotherapist guides their patient to a state of deep focus and may suggest the stomach is physically smaller. They may also enter into discussion with their patients with the intention to help their patients uncover their reasons and motivations behind their natural eating habits and overeating. In a sense, this therapy is similar to cognitive behavioural therapy.
  3. Post-Hypnosis Guidance - Dietary advice is provided for ongoing support, and your Hypnotherapist will be available to answer any questions or concerns.
Jeremy Walker - Hypnotherapy Brisbane at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Jeremy Walker will guide you through your Gastric Band Hypnosis, helping you visualise the positive impact of the "surgery" on your body and your future weightloss journey.

"The Gastric Band Hypnosis which Jeremy Walker took me through felt so real. I could literally smell the sterile scent of the hospital and feel the tightening of my stomach. After that session, I simply couldn't eat as much - and I didn't want to!" [R.C. - Patient]

How much weight could I lose with a virtual gastric band?

Average weight loss is ½-1kg per week, over several months. I have worked with many people who successfully lost 8-10kg, whilst others went on to lose 20-30kg. (Jeremy Walker, Hypnotherapist)

What can I expect after a session?

According to our Hypnotherapist, Jeremy Walker:

  • A gentleman client told me his problem was having dessert every night. After hypnosis he said, “The thought of ice cream pops in my head but my body doesn’t move. Of course, I can get it if I really want but there is no impulse I have to act on anymore. The thought passes and I relax again.”
  • A lady said she used to crave sweets throughout the day. After hypnosis she shared, “I had 1 lolly in the last three weeks and I barely even think about it.” She achieved her 8kg weight loss goal in 3 months.

How much does the Virtual Weight Loss program cost?

An Initial Hypnotherapy Treatment for Gastric Band Hypnosis costs $220 at Brisbane Livewell Clinic (Wavell Heights). Jeremy Walker will discuss with you after your first session how many future sessions (if any) you will require.

Will hypnosis work for anyone?

Hypnosis can potentially work for everyone. Challenges could occur for a person taking anti-depressant, contraceptive or steroid medications, which cause weight gain. Having said that, you can improve your food habits and mindset, no matter what medication you may be taking, so hypnosis may help with losing weight even in those instances.

We help you be successful through mastery of your habits. If you have a desire to learn and improve your thought process, you are already half-way there. We’ll help you with the rest.

How many treatments will I need?

You will likely need between 2 to 4 treatments, depending on how you respond to the suggestions involved in the Hypnotherapy sessions. This type of clinical hypnotherapy is an advanced program and requires several sessions - it is not a quick fix. Having said that, with your Hypnotherapist's help, you are likely to see significant changes to your diet within the first several sessions.

Often, the Hypnotherapy sessions are so successful there is no need for on going medical treatment relating to weight loss.

Do I have to be very overweight or obese to go on the program?

You do not have to be very overweight or obese to go on the program - a lot of patients seek out this treatment to lose those stubborn few kilograms.

Man in Blue Crew Neck T-shirt Raising His Right Hand. Gastric Band Hypnosis at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Advantages Over Surgical Gastric Band

  • Safety - Eliminates risks associated with surgery due to an actual lap banding procedure and anaesthetic.
  • Cost-Effective - Generally more affordable than surgical options.
  • Recovery Time - No physical recovery period needed.
  • Mental Health - Addresses psychological aspects of eating.

Choosing a Practitioner

  • Qualifications - Ensure they are certified in hypnotherapy with experience in gastric band hypnosis.
  • Reputation - Look for reviews or testimonials from previous clients.
  • Comfort Level - It's crucial to feel comfortable and trust your practitioner.

Jeremy Walker at Brisbane Livewell Clinic ticks all of these boxes.

The Safer, Minimal Risk Approach To Weight Loss

This program addresses overeating, emotional eating (binge eating) and food cravings. Weight loss hypnosis focuses on healthy lifestyle and satisfaction through variety. Have you denied yourself certain foods but the craving is just one stressful moment away from taking over? Have you overindulged on the weekend after doing great all week? Have you struggled to begin (or complete) exercise programs and ended up eating even more food and struggling with additional weight problems?

You can break free of these patterns using this non surgical technique!

What is the best way to book an appointment?

You can jump on the booking page to schedule your first session.

Referring a friend… Perhaps you have a mother, father, partner, son or daughter who would benefit from hypnotherapy. We suggest they read over the information and if it matches their health goals, we’d love to help any way we can.

Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Program (in clinic or online)

We offer Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss both in our Clinics and online. Call and enquire today or book on our website.


Gastric Band Hypnosis offers a promising alternative for those seeking to manage their weight without the risks and costs of surgery.

FAQs about Gastric Band Hypnosis and a virtual gastric band program

1. What is Gastric Band Hypnosis?

Gastric Band Hypnosis is a psychological method that uses hypnotherapy to simulate the physical effects of gastric band surgery. It aims to bring about healthier eating patterns and portion control, as well as to make healthier choices, leading to a reduced appetite and lower food intake without actual surgery.

2. How does Gastric Band Hypnosis work?

Gastric Band Hypnosis involves guided imagery and suggestions made by a Hypnotherapist to trick their patient's subconscious into believing a gastric band has been fitted. This psychological perception helps reduce food intake, as the patient feels full more quickly and so doesn't eat as much.

3. Who can benefit from Gastric Band Hypnosis?

A virtual gastric band procedure is primarily beneficial for individuals struggling with obesity or weight management issues, especially those who have not had success with traditional dieting and weight loss methods.

4. What are the benefits of Gastric Band Hypnosis compared to surgical options?

Undertaking a virtual gastric banding program is non-invasive, carries no surgical risks, and does not require recovery time. It's also typically more cost-effective and addresses the psychological aspects of eating and weight control so it is effective in changing eating habits and helping the patient to lose weight.

5. What is involved in a Gastric Band Hypnosis session?

Virtual gastric band hypnosis sessions usually involve initial discussion, potentially followed by relaxation techniques and guided imagery (depending on the Hypnotherapist's individual approach), as well as various suggestions during hypnosis that the stomach is smaller, that food is more filling, and exploration about what the patient is seeking when they overeat, and whether they feel deprived0. The number and duration of sessions can vary depending on the individual's needs.

6. Is Gastric Band Hypnosis effective for long-term weight loss?

The effectiveness of Gastric Band Hypnosis can vary from person to person. It can be a powerful tool for weight loss, especially when combined with lifestyle changes, and can therefore form a long term solution. However, it requires commitment by the patient and a willingness to modify their eating and exercise habits and continue to improve their health after the treatments end.

7. Can everyone be hypnotised for Gastric Band Hypnosis?

Most people can be hypnotised for Gastric Band Hypnosis. However, the effectiveness can vary based on the individual's susceptibility to hypnosis and their commitment to the process. Those who are open to the experience and motivated to change their eating habits are more likely to see positive results compared to someone who is being forced (eg to save a relationship) or who doesn't want to let go of the control needed to enter that state where their subconscious is more susceptible.

Originally published by Jeremy Walker at Republished and revised with permission. Jeremy is our Hypnotherapist at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Last Updated on 7 March 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

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Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
