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(07) 3861 5881

Maximising Health with Online Consultations

Last Updated on 8 March 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

We would like to explain how our Online Consultations work in these unprecedented times. 

As always, your Health, Wellbeing and Privacy remain our priority. For this reason and in keeping with guidance and recommendations from public health agencies, we have been moving some of our appointments to a virtual or Online Consultations known to many as “Telehealth”. We are indeed fortunate that we live in a time where we can remain connected and take measures to keep ourselves safe. Technology enables us to deliver care safely and effectively from a distance.

This includes our Naturopath and Nutrition appointments, although the person to person appointments in Clinic are still available. In a Clinic consultation, we practice ‘social distancing’ within the room set up. We have increased our sanitising practices, including personal hygiene and the stringent cleaning of consult rooms and reception areas.

Online Consultations can be delivered using a range of preferred online platforms, including ZOOM, Skype or What’s App. For those who are more comfortable, we can also proceed with your Online Consultation by phone. This works particularly well for follow up appointments where you are already acquainted with your Practitioner. Our helpful reception staff will confirm your preferred choice of Online Consultations and let you know any relevant information at the time of booking.

Acupuncture treatments are still available in Clinic at the time of writing. While unlikely, this may change in future, and we will keep you updated on any further changes required as they arise. We understand the need to continue with these kinds of treatments should you consider this an essential element to your healthcare. The momentum and strategic delivery of your care plan can proceed without interruption.

Modalities that require a physical component including Bowen Therapy, Kinesiology and Massage appointments are momentarily unavailable and are scheduled to become available again in early May. The measures in place limit physical contact while the general public is making sacrifices to ‘flatten the curve’.

Other exciting things to know.


  • We are introducing a new 15-minute Immune & Winter Wellness Consult (Follow up) appointments for current patients. This is so you can check-in and receive specific advice around your immune health if you have any concerns or would like a prescription for immune support. These consults are priced at $40. Please note this appointment type is specifically for Immune & Winter Wellness health and not suitable for a normal follow up appointment where 30 minutes is required
  • Same-day bookings may be available at certain times. Please enquire with our reception staff on 07 3861 5881 or [email protected].
  • Now might even be the time to invest in a tailored Nutrition Care Plan, where a 7-day Meal Plan with recipes is provided. For a one-off fee of $50, you will receive your 7-day Meal Plan at your initial appointment and each ongoing appointment thereafter. You can book this appointment as a new or current client with either your Naturopath or Nutritionist and the additional fee can be added to any 30, 45 or 60-minute appointment.

Testing and Diagnosis

  • Our current, in-depth case taking won’t change; however, we may ask you to forward further information to support your health if required. For example, if you have a current skin complaint, it may be helpful to take photos to assist your practitioner in treatment.
  • We ask that you scan and email a copy of your doctor’s blood tests that you may wish to discuss before the appointment. Expect a reply from our reception staff to say that this has been received so that you are confident that your practitioner has this information on hand at the time of your appointment.
  • We can still proceed with a range of testing options, and many test kits are also able to be performed at home (e.g. saliva, urine, stool, blood spot/finger prick).
    We may increase the amount of information you receive from us via emails, such as a template for keeping a diet diary or symptom diary.
  • We might ask you some extra questions (depending on the video’s quality), for example, the appearance of your tongue, hair, skin, nails and eyes that would otherwise be clearly visible in person.

Payment options

  • Often your Practitioner can process payment via EFTPOS at the time of the consultation. There is no record of your credit card number kept. It is inputted into the machine at the time of payment.
  • Alternatively, you may receive a call from our reception staff to pay over the phone. This may happen if your practitioner cannot process payment. If they have taken payment for the consult but are still putting together your final script, the reception may call to finalise payment for your supplements.
  • Prepaid appointments are optional for your convenience only. Should your appointment not go ahead for any reason you can receive a full refund or credit towards your next appointment or purchase of supplements provided you have a valid prescription


  • Refills are still valid for 6 months unless otherwise specified by your practitioner. If you feel that your health priorities have changed, please consider booking a follow up to have a supplement review at 3 months or use our new Immune & Winter Wellness Consult (Follow up) appointment option.
  • We conveniently offer freight free on all supplements posted and a discounted cost on express shipping to assist you.

Keeping in touch

While unprecedented, COVID-19 also enables us to come together as citizen leaders. Please continue to watch our Social Media, including Facebook and Twitter, as we keep you informed with balanced and relevant information during this time. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to our office by email or phone.

Want to learn more? We have these Blogs that may also interest you. Click HERE or HERE

Yours in Health and Happiness

Please phone and talk with us on (07) 3861 5881 or click any of the icons below.

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About Brisbane Livewell Clinic

  • Brisbane’s most-established Health, Natural Therapies, Naturopath & Wellness Clinic
  • Clinics located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill
  • Multiple skilled and experienced practitioners

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Brisbane's Top Health, Natural Therapies, Naturopath and Wellness Centre

Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

Our Practitioners

Our Clinics are home to a team of experienced Allied Health and Natural Therapy practitioners. Each practitioner is highly skilled, qualified, and a member of their respective professional associations. They bring expertise and compassion to their work, believing everyone deserves a life free of pain, anxiety, and ill health.

Our Approach

We blend traditional medicine with the latest healthcare advancements to create personalised and comprehensive treatment plans. Our holistic and integrative approach addresses root causes rather than just symptoms, ensuring you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Our Services

Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, improving dietary habits, needing physical rehabilitation, or searching for mental and emotional support, we offer a wide range of services:

About the Author

This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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Our content is produced following strict editorial guidelines for accuracy, relevance, and integrity. Each article undergoes a comprehensive review process, including fact-checking and verification against reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journals and government publications.

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We regularly revisit our articles to ensure they reflect the latest developments in the field.

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We value your feedback. Share your thoughts and questions at [email protected].


The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
