Massage: The Ultimate Guide

The art and science of massage have stood the test of time, offering a range of benefits that touch every aspect of human health – physical, mental, and emotional.


Massage is a hands-on therapy where a massage therapist will use their hands to stroke, rub, manipulate, press, and dig into the various muscles in their patient's body with a view to relieving tension, aches, pain and stress. Massage is considered one of a number of complementary therapies, and is an important treatment method (for body and mind) for many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

There are a number of different types of massage, with many requiring specific study by the practitioner. It is quite common for massage (particularly Remedial Massage and Relaxation Massage) to be used in integrative medicine, as one rung of a treatment latter with various practitioners working together to provide massage therapy and other treatments.

With stress and physical ailments so common, understanding the nuances of massage can be immensely beneficial.

This Guide aims to unravel the intricacies of different types of massage, helping you to identify which one aligns best with your needs and how to make the most out of these healing sessions.

grayscale photo of woman getting a massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

What is Massage Therapy used for?

Massage therapy is more than just a means to relax. It's a therapeutic practice involving the manipulation by your massage therapist of the muscles, fascia, trigger points and soft tissues in your body. This is sometimes called manual therapy.

Through various techniques, it aims to improve circulation, alleviate tension, and promote deep relaxation throughout your body.

Historically rooted in ancient cultures, massage therapy has evolved into a respected and widely utilised form of complementary and alternative medicine. 

There are many benefits of massage, including:

  • Enhance blood flow and improve oxygen delivery to tissues.
  • Relieve muscle tension and reduce pain.
  • Boost mental clarity and emotional well-being.
  • Help your body and mind feel relaxed.
  • Aid in the recovery from injuries and surgeries.
  • Improve sleep quality and combat insomnia.
  • Calm down the nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Enhance immune system function.
  • Improved circulation.
  • Provide relief from symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Improve flexibility and range of motion.
  • Offer support during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
  • Aid in the management of chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis.
Man with a sore neck and shoulder. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.
Brisbane Livewell Clinic offers a number of types of massage, carried out by skilled and certified massage therapists at our lovely Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill locations.

What are the different types of Massage?

There are numerous styles of massage therapy, each with its own technique and intended benefits. Understanding these different types of physical therapy can help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

Here are some examples of the most common types of massage:

1. Swedish Massage

Known for its gentle and soothing strokes, Swedish Massage is ideal for those new to massage therapy and seeking relaxation and mild tension relief.

It is better suited for those with medical issues than some of the more vigorous massages.

A woman getting a Swedish Massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

2. Sports Massage

Tailored for athletes, Sports Massage focuses on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.

It is particularly suited to treat minor or chronic sports injuries and lessen pain and strain on the body caused by athletic requirements.

Man giving a Sports Massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

3. Shiatsu Massage and Acupressure

The traditional Eastern techniques of Shiatsu Massage and Acupressure involve applying pressure to specific points on the body, aiming to balance energy flow.

Shiatsu Massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

4. Pregnancy Massage

Designed for expectant mothers, this massage technique addresses the unique needs of pregnancy and those who are pregnant or expectant mothers, such as swelling and back pain.

Pregnancy Massage, also called Prenatal Massage, is one of our specialties at Brisbane Livewell Clinic and our massage therapists can help reduce your pregnancy pain and promote relaxation and a sense of wellbeing.

Pregnancy Massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

5. Deep Tissue Massage

This type targets deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, making it suitable for chronic pain and recovery from injuries. Your massage therapist will apply strong pressure and deep pressure to relieve deep muscle aches and pains.

This type of massage will not be suitable for most of those with chronic pain, such as Fibromyalgia or around acute injuries.

Deep Tissue Massage. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

6. Hot Stone Massage

Your massage therapist will place heated stones on specific body parts during Hot Stone Massage, to deepen relaxation and ease tension in your muscles.

7. Trigger Point Massage

In Trigger Point Massage, also known as Myofascial Release, your massage therapist will apply strong and sustained pressure on certain points called "trigger points" all over the body within the fascia or myofascia.

This pressure is intended to to break down fibrous tissue in your muscles and relax trigger points, often referred to as "unknotting" the trigger points.

8. Aromatherapy Massage

Your massage therapist will combine soft, gentle pressure with the use of essential oils to enhance psychological and physical well-being. This type of massage helps to reduce stress and is one of the gentlest on the body for those with a medical condition.

The properties of the essential oils used during the massage can have additional physical benefits after the full body massage is completed.

9. Reflexology Massage

Reflexology Massage focuses on applying pressure to points in the feet, hands, and ears, believed to correspond to different body organs and systems.

10. Thai Massage

A more active form of massage, Thai Massage includes relaxation massage as well as stretching and compression techniques carried out by your massage therapist at the end of the session.

Your therapist may also use the technique of apotement or the "karate chop", by using the sides of their hands in a rapid chopping motion on your shoulders to wake up or stimulate the muscles after the massage.

11. Soft Tissue Massage

Soft Tissue Massage uses different pressures on the muscles around the body, to different depths and for different periods of time.

It is generally considered to be a more gentle form of treatment than deep tissue massage, and Soft Tissue Massage is therefore better suited for those who have pain in their soft tissues closer to the surface of their body.

12. Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage aims to help your body recover from injuries and repair itself through the treatment of aches, pains and injuries.

This form of treatment can help relieve pain, reduce muscle tightness, and help you address a health condition by treating damaged, tense or knotted muscles and tendons.

Discover What is Remedial Massage?

13. Full Body Massage

A Full Body Massage treats you from head to toe, allowing for deeper and more intense relaxation. A full body massage generally takes longer than many other forms of massage, and, as a result, the feelings of relaxation can be very intense.

Choosing the Right Massage for you

Selecting the right type of massage is crucial for achieving the desired outcomes. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Assess Personal Needs

Whether seeking relief from pain, stress reduction, or general relaxation, your goals will guide your choice between the different types of massage.

2. Health Conditions

Certain types of massage are better suited for specific health conditions. For instance, deep tissue massage is often not recommended for those with chronic pain.

3. Personal Preferences

Some may prefer gentle touch, while others might benefit from more intense techniques. This consideration will be particularly important for those with chronic conditions such as Fibromyalgia.

4. Therapist's Expertise

Research and choose a therapist whose skills and experience align with your needs, and who is skilled in the proper massage technique.

5. Frequency and Duration

Discuss with your therapist about the ideal frequency and length of sessions for your situation.

6. Massage Goals

Are you looking for short-term pain relief, help to relieve stress, or long-term benefits such as pain management? Your goals and your preferred benefits of massage can influence the type of massage you choose.

7. Communication

A good therapist will encourage open communication to tailor the session to your needs.

8. Medical Advice

If you have health concerns, consult a healthcare professional before beginning any massage therapy.

And make sure you fully disclose all your health conditions and aches or pains to your therapist, so they can work with you in best treating your body.

9. Lifestyle Factors

Consider how massage therapy fits into your overall lifestyle and wellness routine.

You may wish to book in a weekly, fortnightly or monthly massage treatment, which gives you something to look forward to and helps you to maintain your body on an ongoing basis.

10. Comfort Level

Ultimately, your comfort with the type of massage and your therapist is paramount. You need to trust them to know what to do, listen to your directions, and be considerate of both yours and your body's needs.

Read our article on Tips for Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Therapeutic Uses of Massage

Massage therapy can be a powerful tool for joint pain and addressing specific health issues. Here’s how different types of massage can help with various conditions:

  • Low-Back Pain: Techniques like deep tissue and Swedish massage can provide significant relief.
  • Cancer: Gentle massage has been found to improve mood, reduce pain, and alleviate fatigue in cancer patients.
  • Fibromyalgia: Regular massage sessions can help in managing symptoms like muscle pain, stiffness, and fatigue. By focusing on the connective tissues, a massage therapist who has been properly trained can use light pressure to reduce pain and help with muscle tightness, trigger points and fatigue.
  • Chronic Conditions: For ongoing conditions, a consistent massage schedule can aid in managing pain and improving mobility.
  • Mental Health: Massage therapy can be a supportive tool in managing anxiety and depression.
  • Injury Recovery: Sports and deep tissue massages can aid in the recovery process from sports and other injuries.
  • Preventative Care: Regular massage can play a role in preventing injuries and maintaining overall wellness.
  • Palliative Care: In palliative care, massage is used to improve the quality of life and provide comfort.
  • Stress and Tension: Techniques like aromatherapy and Swedish massage are effective in reducing stress and tension.
  • Overall Well-being: Beyond addressing specific issues, massage contributes to overall health and wellness.

General Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy extends its benefits beyond treating specific conditions, contributing to a range of general health improvements:

  • Improves Sleep: By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, massage can lead to better sleep quality.
  • Lessens Pain and Muscle Tension: Regular massage sessions can help in reducing chronic pain and loosening tight muscles.
  • Relieves Constipation: Certain massage techniques can aid in stimulating the digestive system.
  • Stress Relief: Massage is known for its ability to lower stress hormones and increase relaxation.
  • Migraine Relief: Some people find relief from migraine pain through regular massage therapy.
  • Boosts Immune System: Studies suggest that massage can enhance the immune system by stimulating natural killer cells.
  • Enhances Mental Clarity: Reducing stress and tension can lead to improved focus and clarity of thought.
  • Promotes Relaxation: The calming effect of massage therapy is one of its most well-known benefits.

The Practicalities of Massage

Understanding the practical aspects of a therapeutic massage session is crucial for maximising its benefits:

  • What to Expect in a Session: Familiarise yourself with the typical massage session, which includes consultation, time to change out of your clothes (a towel is usually provided for modesty), the massage itself, time to re-dress, and post-session advice.
  • Communicating with Your Therapist: Clearly articulate any specific pain points or preferences you have to your therapist.
  • When to Avoid Massage: If you have recent injuries or acute pain, it's advisable to postpone your massage session.
  • Consulting a GP for Unusual Pain: For any unusual or acute pain, it's essential to seek medical advice before undergoing massage therapy.
  • Importance of Hydration: Drinking plenty of water post-massage helps flush out toxins released during the session.
  • Preparing for a Session: Arrive relaxed and early, and consider light, comfortable clothing.
  • Relaxation Tips: Techniques like deep breathing can enhance your relaxation during the massage.
  • Providing Feedback: If you feel discomfort or have specific needs during the session, communicate with your therapist.
  • Post-Massage Care: Rest and avoid strenuous activities immediately after your massage.
  • Scheduling Regular Sessions: Depending on your needs, regular sessions might provide the best results.

What is the cost of Massage Therapy?

When considering massage therapy, it's important to understand the financial aspects involved.

Here are some insights into the costs of massage therapy:

  • Average Cost of Therapy: Prices vary based on the type of massage and the duration of the session. Check out the table below for some of the prices of massage sessions within Brisbane.
  • Price Influencing Factors: Factors influencing cost include the therapist's experience, type of massage, and session length. Specialised treatments may have higher rates.
  • Insurance and Health Funds: Many health insurance plans cover remedial massage therapy, for which patients may be able to claim rebates.
  • Long-Term Economic Benefits: Investing in regular massage therapy can lead to long-term health benefits, potentially reducing medical costs in the future.
  • Gift Vouchers and Packages: Gift vouchers are available for purchase, making it easy to share the gift of wellness with others. Package deals offer a cost-effective way to maintain regular therapy sessions.
  • Cost-Effectiveness for Chronic Conditions: For those dealing with chronic health issues, regular massage can be a cost-effective component of a broader health management plan.

Understanding the Risks of Massage Therapy

While massage therapy is generally safe and beneficial, it's important for massage therapists and patients to be aware of potential risks and how to mitigate them:

  • Potential Risks: Common risks include temporary discomfort, bruising, or soreness, particularly after deep tissue work.
  • Choosing Qualified Therapists: It's important to ensure that your therapist is fully certified and experienced in the relevant form of massage to ensure a high standard of care.
  • Disclosing Health History: It's important for patients to disclose their complete health history, including any known medical conditions, to ensure safe and effective treatment.
  • Handling Post-Massage Reactions: The massage therapist should provide advice on managing typical post-massage reactions like light-headedness or temporary increase in pain.


Massage therapy is a beneficial practice that can significantly enhance your overall well-being. It has become the go-to treatment of choice for men and women around the world, many of whom make massage a regular part of their routine.

Whether you're seeking relief from pain, stress reduction, or general relaxation, it can be hugely beneficial to incorporate massage into your wellness routine. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals as needed and choose a qualified therapist who understands your unique needs.

We hope this guide inspires you to explore the healing power of massage therapy and experience the multitude of benefits it offers.


  1. What type of massage is best for stress relief?
    • Aromatherapy and Swedish massages are highly effective for stress relief, providing a gentle, soothing experience that promotes relaxation and mental calmness.
  2. Do massages help pain? Can massage therapy help with chronic pain?
    • Massages can be an incredible help with pain you may suffer on a day-to-day basis. Therapies like deep tissue massage and sports massage can be very effective in managing chronic pain, improving mobility, and enhancing quality of life. Remedial Massage can help improve the function of your muscles and reduce pain and chronic pain.
  3. How often should I get a massage?
    • How often you should get a massage depends on your individual needs and goals. Some may benefit from weekly sessions, while others might prefer monthly visits. It's best to discuss this with your therapist, and put in place a treatment plan.
  4. Are there any side effects of massage therapy?
    • Common side effects of massage therapy may include temporary soreness or bruising, especially after deep tissue massages. These are typically mild and short-lived. Generally, the milder form of massage you choose, the less side effects are likely.
  5. Can massage help with sleep issues?
    • Massage therapy can improve sleep quality by reducing stress, easing muscle tension, and promoting a sense of relaxation.
  6. Is massage therapy covered by insurance?
    • Whether massage therapy is covered by insurance varies by insurance provider and policy. Some health insurance plans do cover certain types of massage therapy, such as Remedial Massage, especially if it's deemed medically necessary.
  7. How do I choose the right massage therapist?
    • To choose the right massage therapist, look for a qualified and experienced therapist whose expertise aligns with your needs. Consider factors like training, certification, areas of specialisation, and client reviews. Also make sure that you feel comfortable with them specifically, and trust them to be in close contact during the massage treatment. Consider cultural requirements (such as only using female massage therapists) if needed.

Read our Articles on Massage Therapy

We've written a number of articles on massage therapy on our website, check them out below:

Massage for Weight Loss

Pregnancy Massage

The Benefits of Massage

Massage for Scar Tissue

Massage to Treat Migraines and Tension Headaches

Hot Stone Massage and Aromatherapy Massage

Full Body Massage

Sports Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Massage Brisbane at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Last Updated on 10 June 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic