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Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Suitable for the back, legs, arms, feet or hands, massage can really make a difference, both immediately and as a long-term treatment.

How Lymphatic Drainage Massage Can Help You

No matter what the cause may be, unwanted, long-term swelling can create a wide range of problems. Particularly if people are less mobile, or tend to spend a lot of time in one position (sitting, standing or lying), fluid can build up, creating discomfort, reducing range of movement and potentially limiting quality of life.

Thankfully, in many cases, a lymphatic drainage massage can bring relief.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a traditional massage technique that has been used for decades to help relieve the problems which fluid build-up can cause. Suitable for the back, legs, arms, feet or hands, this special type of massage can really make a difference, both immediately and as a long-term treatment.

Woman getting Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Relief for your Lymphodema

Lymphatic drainage massage is undertaken using a special massage technique called effleurage. This involves a gentle pressure and movement of the hands which pushes fluid towards the lymph nodes. Once fluid reaches the nodes, it can be transported elsewhere in the body, using the lymphatic drainage system.

The lymphatic system assists in the detoxification of the body, as well as providing a transport system for lymph cells, which are a key part of the body's defence system.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage can help to stimulate the working of the lymph system, potentially providing it with the boost it needs to begin working more effectively.

If you're interested in manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage near me, read on!

What does Lymphatic Drainage Massage Feel Like?

In my experience

I recently received Lymphatic Drainage Massage from Rattana (Rainie) Chaisurayakan at Brisbane Livewell Clinic (Wavell Heights), and it was an amazing experience. Forget everything you know about Relaxation Massage or Remedial Massage! Lymphatic Drainage Massage isn't about pressure - all the strokes are light and flowing, just using the tips of the Massage Therapist's fingers. Around the lymph nodes themselves, Rainie used circular motions. And she used gentle strokes up and down my arms and legs towards the lymph nodes (eg from my wrist upwards). You can choose whether to use oil or powder - I chose oil 🙂

I can't even explain how relaxing it was to receive this type of massage.

I have chronic and systemic inflammation, and right after the therapy I noticed some softness in one of my worst-inflamed areas of my wrist. I usually find massages quite painful, but I felt no discomfort here, and I was able to recover almost immediately because there was minimal release of toxins when compared to deeper strokes.

The next day, and for the following several days, I could actually press down on my wrist and feel movement, which has not happened for years given the severity of my inflammation. And some of my pain had been relieved as well! 

Because of how chronic my issues are, I will need several more sessions, but I am confident I've finally found a non-pharmaceutical way to control some of my inflammation, pain and swelling while I'm working with my Naturopath to get to the root cause of the problem.

And I've definitely booked in my next session of Lymphatic Drainage Massage with Rainie. 90 minutes this time - 60 minutes just didn't feel long enough! 

Rachelle Hare, Owner, Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Brisbane Livewell Clinic (Wavell Heights)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Post Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that usually creates pooling of excess lymphatic fluids. This result in swelling and discomfort for the patient. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a specialised massage technique that is recommended by plastic surgeons, after liposuction, to accelerate the recuperation period.

The science behind why this massage works is fairly simple. Stroking the areas of the body that process the lymph fluid, and the lymph nodes causes the fluid to drain.

This massage procedure works well and has been demonstrated to show positive results after only a couple of treatments! However, most patients need 4 to 6 treatments to remove most of the excess fluid. Patients can expect noticeable relief from swelling after the 6th treatment.

Lymphatic drainage massage is suitable for almost anyone

One of the major benefits for effleurage is that it can be used on people of all ages and in virtually all states of health. Appropriate for use alongside conventional treatments, it can be safely practised on those with pre-existing conditions, as well as those who are frail or in poor health.

Gentle and non-invasive, many people report feeling more relaxed and tranquil after a treatment, as well as finding that the level of swelling and fluid retention which they had been experiencing has subsided.

Who can benefit?

The Lymphatic system can get impaired for many reasons but everyone can benefit from a Lymphatic Drainage Massage. People who receive regular massage tend to have fewer colds and flus! However, it is especially suited to patients who:

  • Undergone chemotherapy or mastectomy as it helps in the recuperation process
  • Have stopped smoking
  • Are run down
  • Are constantly getting sick

Lymphatic Drainage Massage should certainly be considered for treatment of the following

  • Post-surgical & other forms of swelling
  • Stagnation in the lower part of the body
  • Obesity
  • Stress Reduction
  • Sinus problems, congestion
  • Congenital lymphoedema
  • Sprains, Strains
  • Post plastic surgery
  • Scar tissue reduction
  • Detoxification post smoking, chemotherapy
  • Reduction of Fever (Glandular/Ross River)
Massage Bed at Brisbane Livewell Clinic (Wavell Heights)

Effleurage Massage in Brisbane

If you are suffering from lymphoedema or similar problems caused by unwanted fluid build-up, lymphatic drainage massage could be the intervention you need to find relief.

And if you're looking for manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage near me, get in touch on (07) 3861 5881 or by clicking the button below, and find out more about how massage can benefit your body and your lymphatic system?

Last Updated on 28 May 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Our Pricing

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 60 Minute Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 60 Minute Massage


Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 90 Minute Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - 90 Minute Massage



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Fiona Woodhouse

Fiona Woodhouse

Cannon Hill

Fiona loves what she does and is committed to whole body wellbeing as a Way of Life. She tailors each treatment to the client’s specific needs and understands that although a massage may be deep it still requires a level of relaxation for the body to heal and be pain free. With over 14 years...

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  • Clinics located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill
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Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

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Our Clinics are home to a team of experienced Allied Health and Natural Therapy practitioners. Each practitioner is highly skilled, qualified, and a member of their respective professional associations. They bring expertise and compassion to their work, believing everyone deserves a life free of pain, anxiety, and ill health.

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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