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See a Naturopath for Skin Problems – Take Control of Your Health in 2024

Qualified and Experienced Naturopath for Skin Issues - We believe in approaching skin conditions on an individual basis, providing natural solutions that work.

Seeing a Naturopath for Skin Problems

Naturopathy offers a holistic approach to treating skin problems, addressing both the internal and external factors contributing to conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea and autoimmune conditions that affect the skin such as seborrheic dermatitis. 

In this article, we explore how treatments by our Naturopaths can support skin health and provide lasting relief from various skin issues.

Understanding Naturopathy for Skin Health

Naturopathic treatment for skin problems involves a comprehensive assessment of your overall health, lifestyle, and diet. It focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of skin issues rather than just treating the symptoms.

Consultation between Naturopath and patient. What is a Naturopath. Brisbane Livewell Clinic. What is Naturopath. Naturopath for Skin Problems

Key Factors in Naturopathic Skin Treatment

1. Gut Health and Skin Connection

The gut-skin connection is a fundamental aspect of Naturopathic medicine. A healthy gut is crucial for clear skin, as imbalances in gut bacteria can lead to or exacerbate skin conditions. Probiotics and a diet rich in prebiotics are often recommended to support gut health, which in turn can improve skin conditions like acne and eczema. For more information, visit our Gut Health and Leaky Gut Syndrome articles and find out What is Leaky Gut?

2. Detoxification Pathways

The liver and kidneys are essential for detoxifying the body. When these organs are overburdened, toxins may manifest as skin issues. Supporting liver function with herbs like milk thistle and dandelion, and following an anti-inflammatory diet can help cleanse the body and reduce skin problems.

3. Hormonal Balance

Hormonal imbalances can significantly impact skin health. Conditions like hormonal acne are common, particularly during puberty, perimenopause and menopause. Naturopathic treatments often include hormone-regulating supplements and liquid herbs, and diet and lifestyle changes to balance hormones and improve skin health.

4. Nutrient Status

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, D, E, and zinc, can lead to various skin issues. Supplementing these nutrients can support skin healing and prevent flare-ups of conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Learn more about the importance of a nutrient-rich diet.

Bowl Filled with Healthy Foods. Naturopath. Brisbane Livewell Clinic. Nutrient-rich diet.

5. Stress Management

Stress can exacerbate skin conditions by affecting the immune system and hormone levels. Naturopaths may recommend stress management techniques such as hypnotherapy for anxiety, mindfulness, yoga, and adaptogenic herbs to help reduce stress-related skin issues.

FactorDescriptionCommon TreatmentsBenefits
Gut HealthConnection between gut bacteria balance and skin healthProbiotics, prebiotics, dietary changesReduces inflammation, clears skin
DetoxificationRole of liver and kidneys in removing toxins that can affect the skinMilk thistle, dandelion, anti-inflammatory dietCleanses body, reduces skin problems
Hormonal BalanceImpact of hormonal imbalances on skin conditions like acneHormone-regulating herbs, lifestyle changesBalances hormones, improves skin health
Nutrient StatusImportance of vitamins and minerals (A, D, E, zinc) for skin healthVitamin and mineral supplements, nutrient-rich dietSupports skin healing, prevents flare-ups
Stress ManagementEffect of stress on skin via immune function and hormone levelsMindfulness, yoga, adaptogenic herbsReduces stress-related skin issues

Common Skin Conditions Treated by Naturopaths

1. Acne

Acne treatment often involves detoxifying the body, balancing hormones, and addressing dietary triggers. Naturopaths may use herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and stress management techniques to treat acne from the inside out.

A Close-Up Shot of a Woman's Face. Acne. Naturopath for Skin Problems

2. Eczema

Eczema is typically treated by identifying and eliminating food allergens, supporting gut health, and using anti-inflammatory herbs. Natural topical treatments, like calendula and chamomile, can also soothe irritated skin.

3. Psoriasis

This chronic skin condition may benefit from a combination of detoxification, anti-inflammatory diets, and immune support. Supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, along with herbal remedies, can help manage psoriasis symptoms.

4. Rosacea

Rosacea treatment includes identifying triggers, supporting digestive health, and using anti-inflammatory herbs. Probiotics and a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods are often recommended to manage rosacea.

5. Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition characterised by red, itchy, and swollen skin. Naturopathic treatment for dermatitis involves identifying and eliminating irritants, supporting skin barrier function, and reducing inflammation. This can include dietary modifications to avoid allergens, the use of anti-inflammatory and soothing herbs like chamomile and calendula, and stress reduction techniques. Topical treatments such as oatmeal baths and natural creams can also provide relief and promote skin healing.

Addressing underlying causes such as gut health and nutrient deficiencies is crucial for long-term management and prevention of dermatitis flare-ups.

Curly Hair Woman With Eczema. Naturopath for Skin Problems

How a Naturopath May Treat Your Skin Problems

A Naturopathic approach to skin problems is individualised and holistic. Here’s a typical process a Naturopath might follow:

  • Initial Consultation: Your Naturopath will take a comprehensive health history, including diet, lifestyle, current medications, stress levels, and previous treatments.
  • Diagnostic Tests: The Testing & Functional Medicine used by our Naturopaths may include blood tests, allergy tests, and stool analysis to identify underlying issues such as nutrient deficiencies, SIBO, hormonal imbalances, or gut dysbiosis.
  • Personalised Wellness Plan: Based on the findings, the Naturopath will create a tailored Wellness Plan that may include dietary changes, herbal supplements, lifestyle modifications, and stress management techniques.
  • Follow-up Visits: Regular follow-up consultations will be scheduled to monitor your progress and see how your skin heals over time, make necessary adjustments to the Wellness Plan and your supplements/liquid herbs, and ensure that the underlying causes of your skin issues are being addressed effectively.
Liquid herbs. natural medicine, brisbane livewell clinic. Naturopath for Skin Problems

Naturopathic Approaches to Common Skin Issues

Skin ConditionNaturopathic Treatment ApproachesKey BenefitsAdditional Comments
AcneDetoxification, hormonal balance, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, stress managementReduces inflammation, balances hormones, clears skinProbiotics and anti-inflammatory diet recommended
EczemaIdentification of food allergens, gut health support, anti-inflammatory herbs, natural topical treatmentsSoothes irritated skin, reduces flare-ups, improves gut healthCalendula and chamomile for topical use
PsoriasisDetoxification, anti-inflammatory diet, immune support, supplements (omega-3, vitamin D), herbal remediesManages symptoms, reduces inflammation, supports immune systemLiver function support is crucial
RosaceaIdentification of triggers, digestive health support, anti-inflammatory herbs, probioticsReduces redness, improves skin texture, minimizes flare-upsAvoiding known triggers is essential
DermatitisIdentification of irritants, anti-inflammatory diet, soothing herbal topicals, stress reductionReduces itching, calms inflammation, promotes skin healingOatmeal baths and chamomile creams are beneficial

What to Expect from a Naturopath Consultation

During a Naturopath consultation, you can expect the following:

  • Detailed Health Assessment: A thorough evaluation of your medical history, current symptoms, diet, and lifestyle, including comprehensive testing.
  • Holistic Approach: Consideration of all aspects of your health and well-being, not just the skin condition.
  • Customised Recommendations: Personalised advice on diet, supplements, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes tailored to your specific needs.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous support and adjustments to the Wellness Plan based on your progress and feedback.
New Supplements in store at Brisbane Livewell Clinic. Naturopath Queensland

Diet and Skin Health

Diet plays a crucial role in skin health. Naturopaths often recommend the following dietary changes to support healthy skin:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, to reduce inflammation.
  • Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Include plenty of fruits and vegetables like berries, leafy greens, and carrots to provide essential vitamins and minerals that support skin health.
  • Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods: Support gut health with foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and garlic.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated and support detoxification processes.


Naturopathy provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing skin problems by focusing on the root causes rather than just treating the symptoms. Incorporating principles such as gut health, detoxification, hormonal balance, nutrient optimisation and stress management into their Wellness Plan, Naturopaths can significantly improve conditions like acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and rosacea.

Through personalised Wellness Plans and continuous support, Naturopathic treatments offer sustainable solutions that promote overall health and well-being.

For those struggling with persistent skin issues, consulting with a qualified Naturopath near you can provide tailored strategies to achieve clearer, healthier skin and improve overall health.

Because the journey to healthier skin is multifaceted, it involves dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and targeted treatments to address the underlying causes, So it is difficult to achieve a "quick fix" without healing the root causes of the problem. With the right guidance and a holistic approach, however, you can achieve lasting improvements in your skin health.

Naturopathy herbs and foods. What is a Naturopath. Brisbane Livewell Clinic


1. How does gut health affect skin conditions?

Gut health is closely linked to skin health through the gut-skin axis. Imbalances in gut bacteria can lead to inflammation and skin issues like acne and eczema. Probiotics and a healthy diet can improve gut health and, consequently, skin health.

2. Can diet impact skin conditions like eczema and acne?

Diet plays a significant role in managing skin conditions. Foods that cause inflammation or allergic reactions can worsen skin issues. An anti-inflammatory diet and identifying food sensitivities can help alleviate symptoms.

3. What are the benefits of using herbs in treating skin problems?

Herbs such as turmeric, milk thistle, and dandelion have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties that can support skin health. They help reduce inflammation, support liver function, and promote healing.

4. How do Naturopaths address hormonal acne?

Naturopaths treat hormonal acne by balancing hormones through dietary changes, herbal supplements, and stress management. They may recommend herbs like vitex and adaptogens to regulate hormone levels.

5. What role does stress play in skin conditions?

Stress can worsen skin conditions by affecting immune function and hormone levels. Managing stress through mindfulness, yoga, and adaptogenic herbs can help improve skin health.

6. Are there any specific supplements recommended for skin health?

Common supplements for skin health include vitamins A, D, E, and zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics are also beneficial for reducing inflammation and supporting overall skin health. Your Naturopath will recommend the correct supplements for your skin's needs.

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External Articles

Australian Government Department of Health - General health information and guidelines: Department of Health

Healthdirect Australia - Trusted information on various health topics, including skin conditions: Healthdirect

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - Health guidelines and research: NHMRC

Better Health Channel - Comprehensive information on health conditions, including dermatitis and eczema: Better Health Channel

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - Health statistics and reports: AIHW

Cancer Council Australia - Information on skin cancer prevention and treatment: Cancer Council Australia

Australian Government National Allergy Strategy - Information on managing allergies and related skin conditions: National Allergy Strategy

Last Updated on 9 June 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Our Pricing

Initial Naturopath Consultation

Initial Naturopath Consultation


Naturopathic - Subsequent 60 minute appointment

Naturopathic - Subsequent 60 minute appointment


Initial (Complex) Naturopath Consultation

Initial (Complex) Naturopath Consultation



Meet Our Qualified Professionals

Jen Strachan

Jen Strachan

Cannon Hill

Jen considers herself to be an Integrative Naturopath, understanding the need in some cases for co-management with your GP or Specialist. She spent 3 years in a very busy practice specialising in thyroid conditions & 6 months with Australia's leading expert in SIBO & gut issue testing lab.

Colleen Rowe

Colleen Rowe

Wavell Heights

Colleen is experienced working with clients with a wide variety of health conditions including digestive complaints (indigestion, reflux, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, SIBO and food intolerances), female reproductive health (PCOS, menstruation problems, post pill amenorrhoea, post pill acne

Amy Angus

Amy Angus

Wavell Heights & Cannon Hill

Amy is a Degree qualified Naturopath passionate about treating a range of health complaints such as immune dysfunction, digestive disorders, liver conditions and stress.
Amy has a special interest in women's health and well-being. She places a special emphasis on the management and treatment of

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Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

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Our Clinics are home to a team of experienced Allied Health and Natural Therapy practitioners. Each practitioner is highly skilled, qualified, and a member of their respective professional associations. They bring expertise and compassion to their work, believing everyone deserves a life free of pain, anxiety, and ill health.

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Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, improving dietary habits, needing physical rehabilitation, or searching for mental and emotional support, we offer a wide range of services:

About the Author

This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
