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Success Stories

Last Updated on 14 July 2023 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

We love sharing our Success Stories at Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

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  • Success Story with Amy Angus, Naturopath & Herbalist – July 2023

“N”, age 12, presented to the clinic with period abnormalities including dysmenorrhea, PMS, and associated anxiety. After focusing on gut health, restoring macro and micro-nutrient deficiencies, and making some small dietary adjustments, she returned for her follow-up appointment with positive feedback. “N” reported that she is feeling much better overall, had fewer symptoms of PMS, less period pain, fewer symptoms of digestive upset, and more energy! By investigating further and determining the cause of her presenting complaint, in this case; gut dysbiosis and nutritional deficiencies, we were able to implement a simple treatment protocol that has quickly proven effective.

  • Success Story with Ingrid White – The Joy Bomb, MindSet Therapy & Energy Healing (Trauma & Stress) – April 2023

“Thank you so much!! I feel so absolutely amazing today!! I slept in, woke up dancing and completely reorganized my office! Completely shifted my physical space and I can feel my body, energy and soul in alignment. I’m so happy!! Thank you so much!! I’m going to print the beautiful document that you sent me and follow through with your instructions.”


  • Success Story with Amy Angus, Naturopath & Herbalist – June 2023

‘R’ has been seeing Amy for over 1-year now. She initially came into the clinic with severe gastrointestinal upset, and she felt “unheard” by previous Naturopaths. We wasted no time in figuring out the exact cause of her complaint by immediately conducting functional pathology (gut testing). After creating a treatment plan in accordance with the test results, ‘R’ felt immediately better. We have had some phases of relapse however none have been as severe as her initial presentation. She expressed her gratitude for my assistance in a recent email: “I’m just so so happy with how things are going, and I feel like I’m getting my life back! I would really like to thank you, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would have happened so thank you so so much”.

  • Success Story with Ingrid White – The Joy Bomb, MindSet Therapy & Energy Healing (Trauma & Stress) – April 2023

“For the first time in years the anxiety monster is not a feature in my life! I’ve done therapy and I’ve been a therapist, but what Ingrid provides is next level. I cannot recommend her services and skill set enough. Her energy and passion are infectious. For the first time in years the anxiety monster is not a feature in my life. And the process was easy and now I feel light. Thank you for helping me, find me again.”

Emma-Jane D

  • Success Story with Amy Angus, Naturopath & Herbalist – April 2023

‘S’ recently visited the clinic with symptoms of endometriosis. Her primary symptoms are very heavy and painful periods. After only 1-month of treatment she reported that her first period on the treatment protocol was “overall better”, and she no longer requires regular intake of NSAIDs to relieve the pain. I will continue to work with her to ensure her symptoms continue to reduce and her overall health improves.

  • Success Story with Ingrid White – The Joy Bomb, MindSet Therapy & Energy Healing (Trauma & Stress) – April 2023

“The most important relationship in my life is now stronger than it has ever been. I came to Ingrid a few short weeks ago as a volcano ready to explode. I was struggling with my emotions when things weren’t going to plan and I was constantly angry and frustrated with the world. This life I was leading was pushing people away and running important relationships in my life to ruins. Ingrid guided me through a Breakthrough and within hours, no minutes, she was able to help me flip my mindset 360 degrees. I can’t recommend Ingrid enough. The most important relationship in my life is now stronger than it has ever been, I have gained confidence to go and reach goals I would’ve otherwise in the past dismissed. I’m ready to just enjoy life. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

Aaron G

  • Success Story with Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage – July 2022

I had been told about having LD after my surgery but had gotten by with compression garments which seem to be working. It was restricted movement that got me to go for a massage and found a number of symptoms I was having like constipation, fatigue and bloating was actually caused from sluggish lymphatics. After my first treatment everyone committed how different I looked and would urge anyone not to hesitate following up on lymphatic drainage to improve well being

Grateful Patient

  • Success Story with Colleen Rowe, Naturopath – July 2022

I was diagnosed with PCOS after not having my period for 11 months.  The doctor prescribed the contractive pill to normalise my period but I didn’t feel comfortable with this decision. I went and saw Colleen to see if she could help me with this and my digestive issue of running to the bathroom after every meal.  She gave me some tissue salts, herbs and vitamins. Within 2 weeks of taking these supplements I had people telling me I looked less ‘inflamed’ and in general felt I was digesting my food better. It has now been 4 months of taking the herbs and my period has returned.  I have had 3 periods and they are regular again.   I have so much more energy and have started to lose weight as well. In my last appointment Colleen talked me through what my protocol will be after the New Year and I feel confident that working with Colleen will get me the results I desire.

A (Morningside)

  • Success Story with Remedial Massage Therapy – July 2022

I was referred by a friend after me telling them of my roaming pain in my body. I am coming up to retirement and want to travel at the rate I was going this was looking like less of a reality. Until Jules said to me structural integration I didn’t know what any of that meant I just knew my pain shifted around my body and any time I started walking again something would flare up. Well I found out I had tension that I didn’t even know existed from old injuries and work I was doing as a cleaner. I have never felt so light and easy walking what seems in a long time. I get off the couch without me moaning and even my sleeping has improved.

Beryl T.

  • Success Story with Body Reset Therapy Massage Therapy – July 2022

Thanks so much for getting me out of pain I had no ideal that my flexibility was actually causing so many of my problems. I had been getting massages for years and had quite the pain threshold, went to the gym regularly, love going to yoga and generally fit and active. But none of that made any difference I wasn’t sleeping well, had regular headaches, achy legs especially overnight, felt anxious a lot so much so I went on medication and really quite frigidity. No one had ever suggested my bendiness could be the root of my problems and Jules summed me up in the first 5 minutes. It’s inherited so the whole family has benefited from this understanding. How had no one ever told me this before I had no idea just knowing this is not just in my head is a massive relief. My understanding of the nerve pain I was experiencing makes so much sense not only did I get relief from the Body Reset Therapy I now can improve my own sense of well being.

Courtney H

  • Success Story with Kelly Zeller, Pregnancy Massage Therapist – June 2022

Pregnant with my third child I received a gift voucher for pregnancy massage. I had never even heard of it .. was I living under a rock?? An hour of bliss thank you very much! Being 34 weeks pregnant I was really feeling the lower back strain and pain, plus sciatic pain every day! Caring for two small children, I also experienced upper back, neck and shoulder tightness .. and the occasional headache unfortunately. I was pleasantly surprised to feel such a difference after my massage. My body felt so much lighter, I could move around comfortably plus I got an hour of relaxation all to myself! … Kelly has responded: At 34 weeks muscle strain and related pain is quite common. Using a combination of techniques and positioning during the treatment greatly alleviates muscle tension throughout the body. Lumbar and lower back pain can be reduced through massage by using focused techniques and supportive positioning of hips and legs. Massage to lower legs and feet decreases lymphatic fluid build-up (fluid retention) and can ease cramping in legs .. these combined, help mum-to-be rest more comfortably.

Feedback from Stacey, recent patient on 01-06-2022

  • Success Story with Indian Head Massage incl Neck & Shoulders – June 2022

My headaches would come and go sometimes worse than others but thought it was expected as I sit at a computer most of the time. It was not until it was a daily event and my 3rd migraine darkroom and vomiting experience that I knew this was not normal and would spend my weekends on the couch in a recovery position. My doctor was helpful with medication to combat the worst of it but I’m only 33 I go to the gym you know so why. It was while I was waiting for a specialist appointment I was desperate to get some relieve and decided to get some massage. I was extra cautious as massage had backfired in the past when I had dropped in to the shopping centre for convenience. I was very clear this had been my experience in the past and the pain I was in afterwards. Jules was very understanding and worked within my limits but most surprising was how she explained my posture at the desk was dragging on my neck. I have never had my chest arms and neck treated like this before within 2 treatments no more daily headaches and I have not had another migraine. I do go back when I feel that tension rising but I am really aware of my posture now and how this is effected when sitting at the desk.

Stacey P

  • Success Story with Kelly Zeller, Massage Therapist – April 2022

Lymphatic Drainage had been recommended to Cherry post-surgery. She had breast augmentation in recovery from breast cancer. With chemotherapy now complete she decided to implement more self-care treatments into her recovery and healing. Presenting with high fluid retention plus scar tissue from multiple surgeries a combination of Lymphatic Drainage and Remedial Massage was required. This commenced with a series of treatments on a weekly basis to improve function of the lymphatic system plus increase range of motion in upper limb affected by scar tissue. The process was gradual yet Cherry felt incremental changes in her general well-being and ability to move more freely. This also included a gradual reduction in fluid retention between treatments. Cherry continues to use this combination treatment (Lymphatic Drainage and Remedial Massage) and has found that it has helped her reconnect with her body in relation to muscle health. She reports that now self-care practises are a regular routine – she also walks regularly and uses different opportunities to implement stretching to support her muscle recovery.

  • Success Story with Direct Myofascial Release Massage  – April 2022

After years of managing my back pain, I will spare you the long list of professional people and procedures necessary to keep me moving my specialist suggested getting some massage. I didn’t know quite what to expect honestly apart from a few massages on holiday I had never thought of massage other than for relaxation.  After meeting my therapist for the first time I became optimistic as she certainly knew her stuff and suggested a Body Reset. Ok 4 session here we go I tried everything else, spent money hand over fist with variable results, reasoned at least it’s a treatment plan. Well I felt better after the first session tick, and this continued after each treatment. I can say my pain is greatly improved there are way more good days than bad. I bounded down the stairs the other day and realised it’s been awhile since I had done that. I could not be happier with my outcome and know this is not going to solve all my problems hey I will take it as a win.

Tom M

  • Success Story with Emma Pumfrey, Naturopath – February 2022

An update on my skin, it has cleared up a lot super quickly since starting the new supplements which is amazing, I was so surprised how quickly the cystic acne shifted. I haven’t had any ovulation breakouts either! K.C, Melbourne, VIC – after just 4 weeks of treatment

K.C  Melbourne

  • Success Story with Amy Angus, Naturopath – November 2021

A 6-year-old patient of mine presented to the clinic with eczema that was more severe on her back, and the creases of her elbows and knees. A plan was made with her parents to reduce the inflammatory load of her diet and make healthier swaps. I focused on treating immune dysfunction and restoring gut microbial health. At the return visit, the patient was pleased to inform me that the eczema had cleared up entirely, and they particularly noticed a quick and significant improvement on her back where it was most irritating. The patient is currently on a management plan and has been advised of a response if an eczema flare-up occurs. I am now also providing naturopathic support to the patients’s parents!

  • Success Story with Craig Baron, Naturopath – February 2020

I recently attended the Livewell Clinic and had a couple of consultations with Craig.  After a lengthy discussion with Craig he made recommendations for me to increase my water intake and protein.  Craig spent some time digging into my lifestyle habits in order to find the root cause of my problems.  As I follow a well balanced whole food plant based diet he was happy with the diet and recommended  I continue with it and continue to exercise and meditate, but suggested I was not drinking enough water and not getting sufficient protein for a 75 year old doing heavy lifting in the gym on most days.  Craig has an ability to draw you out and get the information he needs to get to the root cause and his manner is professional, friendly and showed concern for my well being.  A lot different to going to a conventional Dr. I would strongly recommend Craig to anyone needing professional help in the future.

John Ham, Brisbane

  • Success Story with Remedial Lymphatic Drainage Massage – February 2020

“T” came into clinic to address fluid retention in her legs, buttocks and hips. She has experienced huge amounts of emotional stress in the past 6-8 months and eating patterns/exercise went hay-wire. Having got herself back on track,”T” came in to see Cath for treatment/detox around her lower body. She expressed her feelings after the second Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage as going home feeling “lighter” around the legs and lower tummy. Between treatments she was dry brushing which really helped speed up the results.

“T”  Brisbane

  • Testimonial for Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath – January 2020

Within just a few appointments I got this message as she was so excited for changes to be more consistent: “I’m regularly ‘pooping like a trooper’ – several times a day sometimes. I’m thinking it’s all finally working!” Note: A few foundational strategies were implemented in a step-by-step process based on sound nutritional principles and current understandings from neuroscience.

Lynne, Brisbane (suffered constipation for over a decade and had numerous functional tests done – like stool test & hair analysis – in the past with other practitioners but the long-term results hadn’t really stayed)

Thank you so much for today. I wish I could carry that feeling of being a little more grounded with me all the time! Thanks for grounding me! I feel back on track already. You are worth your weight in gold!
A Business Owner, Lara (a long term patient)

  • Testimonial for 12 Day Detox – November 2013

My main goal doing this detox was to educate my family on how to be more healthy and in turn have more energy. I got that and so much more. Doing this workshop with my husband was the best decision. Not only could we support each other, but I now feel like we are on the same page when it comes to nutrition. We learnt how to have a balanced, healthy diet that would work for our family, not a one size fits all model. But we also learnt how to cleanse our bodies if we need it. The team at Brisbane Livewell Clinic are so incredibly passionate, it rubs off on you.



  • Testimonial for 12 Day Detox – November 2013

The 12 Day Detox is one of the most positive things I’ve done for my health. The program might only go for 12 days, but the changes it has inspired in my diet and lifestyle are here to stay. I feel more energised and positive about maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle (while still getting to eat lots of yummy food)! I’d recommend it to anyone wanting to give their body a kick-start and make simple and healthy lifestyle changes.



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About Brisbane Livewell Clinic

  • Brisbane’s most-established Health, Natural Therapies, Naturopath & Wellness Clinic
  • Clinics located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill
  • Multiple skilled and experienced practitioners

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Brisbane’s Top Health, Natural Therapies, Naturopath and Wellness Centre

Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

Our Practitioners

Our Clinics are home to a team of experienced Allied Health and Natural Therapy practitioners. Each practitioner is highly skilled, qualified, and a member of their respective professional associations. They bring expertise and compassion to their work, believing everyone deserves a life free of pain, anxiety, and ill health.

Our Approach

We blend traditional medicine with the latest healthcare advancements to create personalised and comprehensive treatment plans. Our holistic and integrative approach addresses root causes rather than just symptoms, ensuring you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Our Services

Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, improving dietary habits, needing physical rehabilitation, or searching for mental and emotional support, we offer a wide range of services:

About the Author

This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

Content Policy

Our content is produced following strict editorial guidelines for accuracy, relevance, and integrity. Each article undergoes a comprehensive review process, including fact-checking and verification against reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journals and government publications.

Commitment to Updated Information

We regularly revisit our articles to ensure they reflect the latest developments in the field.

Your Feedback Matters

We value your feedback. Share your thoughts and questions at [email protected].


The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
