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Meet Ingrid White: Life Coach, Energy Healer, and Mentor

Last Updated on 9 June 2024 by Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Welcome to Ingrid White, the JoyBomb and a qualified Master Coach, Master Practitioner, Facilitator and Mentor with over 11 years of practice with clients in Australia and internationally.

The qualifications Ingrid is trained in all aim to calm the nervous system, releasing the body and mind from carrying unnecessary emotional, physical, mental, energetic and spiritual attachments and pains to past events, people and traumas. Ingrid has a strong spiritual side and was born with highly developed intuitive senses. She is naturally clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant.

Ingrid White, The JoyBomb – Life Coach. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

These senses enable her to support clients with their life & spiritual journey. Ingrid’s calming energy and empathy allows adults and children alike to feel welcome, safe, respected, and held so that they can talk openly, express themselves and heal. As a life coach, Ingrid can offer guidance and motivational information, helping her clients to make big decisions in their lives.

There are many types of energy healers, and just as you don’t need to understand the law of gravity before you can fall down, you don’t need to completely grasp the concept of energy healing before you dive into practice. Any time is a good time to visit Ingrid White The JoyBomb  for energy healing. If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an energy healing session with Ingrid White The JoyBomb  can help you relax and feel more balanced. And if you’re already feeling good, it’s always possible to feel a little better.

I AM’s for CHAKRA Balance

“I AM” are two words that have the power to completely change your life.

“I AM” is the most powerful command statement there is. It frees you to be who you desire to become because it’s the power of God being spoken into you. It can be used to empower you or disempower you, so be careful of what you attach to the end of that statement; it will manifest into reality. In fact, you are already speaking it into your life. When you say I’m tired, I’m frustrated, I’m overwhelmed, you’re in essence saying I AM. When you say I’m bold, I’m able, and I’m blessed, you’re also saying “I AM”!

Biblically, I AM is the English translation from the Hebrew text.


You can say,

“I AM” source energy. “I AM” beauty. “I AM” powerful. “I AM” kind, thankful, wise, intelligent, love etc.

“I AM” fearless. “I AM” harmony. “I AM” peace. “I AM” wealthy, determined, successful, confident, unique, and free.

“I AM” enlightened, gifted, worthy, and a light for those who need to see. I AM pure! I AM who and what I say that “I AM”.

Ingrid White, The JoyBomb – Life Coach, Energy Healer. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

You have the power to declare, decree, proclaim, and receive the gifts of your own tongue. No one else can say “I AM” for you. No one else can speak those words over you. No one can release you but you. These words are FOR you and only for you to declare what you will, over your life. You are the ONLY one who has the power and authority to speak such words for your own conscious creation.

The reason you have become who you are today is that you have accepted what your environment said you were, you have aligned and agreed with the conditioning and programming projected onto you. You bought into the influence of your surroundings, the limitations of your experiences, as many of us do, until we get to a stage where it feels like a problem – because we KNOW that something else must be available to us, for us! It’s only when we’re ready and willing to accept a way that is true to us, that we can learn how to self-proclaim using the power of I AM.

Welcoming Ingrid White, The JoyBomb. Brisbane Livewell Clinic.

Remember, that whatever follows “I am” you become. So be conscious & aware of your self-talk because it has a direct reflection as to who you choose to be!

Support your mind and body with proven treatments and strategies to release negative thoughts, emotions & behaviours, receive energy, peace and clarity and recharge your spirit to live a healthier and happier life. Let’s make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Learn more about Ingrid HERE or Book a consultation online HERE 

Yours in Health and Happiness

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Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, is Brisbane’s top health, natural therapies, and wellness clinic. Founded in 1979, it is the longest-running wellness centre in Brisbane.

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This article is a collaborative effort crafted with input from Brisbane Livewell Clinic practitioners. Our team, leaders in their fields, ensures the information is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects our commitment to a holistic and evidence-based approach to health and wellness.

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The information provided is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health decisions. Our therapies complement, not replace, medical treatment; discuss any proposed treatment with your GP before commencing.
